
Almond, Fruit & Berry Protein Cake

Again I was searching for some yummy recipes from proteinpow.com and found THIS one. It's easy and I had ALMOST all the ingredients, so I decided to improvise... and the result was this:

TADAAAA!!!! Isn't it beautiful!!?? Here's the recipe:


250 g quark, yogurt and cottage cheese mixed (don't know how much each, just put some...)
1,5 dl pear vanilla whey protein
2 eggwhites
0,5 dl applesauce (just apples, no sugar or anything else added!)
1,5 dl oats
3 tbsp coconut flour
1 tbsp banana powder
1 tablespoon cinnamon

Mix the ingredients above and bake: 160 degrees celsius approx 30 mins.

raw almond butter
1 scoop mint chocolate whey protein mixed with coconut cream, 3-4 drops of English Toffee liquid stevi and a dash of xanthan
coconut flakes

1 scoop mint chocolate whey protein mixed with coconut cream, a handful of frozen blueberries, 5-6 drops of English Toffee liquid stevia and approx 1 tsp of xanthan.

I decorated the cake with few blueberries and pecans.

This is how the batter looked like when I had mixed the ingredients with a spoon.
Because I used cottage cheese, there were "clumbs" so I used a handmixer...
At this point I was thinking: "Oh F**K!!!"

Then I allowed it to cool and sliced it. And then the fillings... First some raw almond butter.
And then some applesauce, wheyprotein filling and coconut.

This was my greatest idea ever! I know that there's a lot of fat in coconut cream but there's not so much of it... I'm going to try this with Greek yogurt! This was like pudding :) I haven't used xanthan before but it was great!

This is how it looked like before decorating. Didn't have any pretty plates but I don't really care. The cake is so amazing.

 And finally, few photos of my very first CleanEatingSuperProteinCake:


4 kommenttia:

  1. Vastaukset
    1. Isn't it :) I love blueberries, they taste so good and the color they give, it's amazing :)

  2. Nyt meni herkulliseksi! Delicious. Njam. Just tällaiset proteiiniherkut mua kiinnostaa, sä varmaan tiedät tunteen myös?:D Kun herkutella voi uskomattomilla mauilla myös terveellisesti. Tää on sitä parhaimmillaan!

    1. Niinpä!!! Mutta voi mitä herkkuja tänään teinkään - omenapiirakkaa ja toscapiirakkaa huikeilla makroilla :D Nekin on tulossa tänne esittelyyn :)
