If you take a look at this blog you'll notice that Proteinpow has been my greatest inspiration lately.So here's another recipe which I just had to try yesterday (I played a little with it) - or actually two recipes which made a perfect combination :) I call it a pie, you can call it what ever you want.
click HERE for the original recipe
12 egg whites
1 cup buckwheat flakes
1,25 dl Fitnessguru Cookie Dough casein powder
3 prunes (didn't have any dates so I thought prunes could replace them)
1 banana
1 cup frozen raspberries
0,5 dl organic raw cacao powder
50 g ricotta cheese (had some in my fridge so why not...)
1/2 tsp baking powder
15 drops of English Toffee liquid stevia
30 g organic raspberry-whitechocolate, chopped
I blended the ingredients (except the chocolate) together until smooth and then added the chocolate chips and mixed with a spoon. Baked at 160 degrees Celcius for approx 40 mins.
After baking I cut the top of the pie with a knife to make it even (so that the raspberries would stay put) and topped the pie with 3 dl of raspberries, one piece of Marabou Premium 86% dark chocolate and one piece of organic raspberry-whitechocolate (both grated, total weight of chocolate 16 g) and coconut flakes. Then I put it back into the oven and baked for 10 more minutes. The result was pretty beautiful and very delicious pie with incredible macros.
I also decided to try The Protein Fluff for the first time of my life 'cause I thought it might complete the portion (that I was going to serve to my boyfriend) in a perfect way... And H-E-L-L YEAHHHHHH!!! I licked it from the spoon just the smallest amount possible and it was sooooo AMAZING!!! I'm going to eat so much of protein fluff after my diet. SO MUCH. I'm in love. Here's my version of this heavenly stuff:
60 g raspberries
10 g organic coconut milk
5 drops of English Toffee liquid stevia
You really should visit Proteinpow's website for those amazing fluff recipes - and all the other recipes, too! They're all amazing!
Now I just have to focus on my contest prep for a while. But I'm 100% sure that there will be more baking pretty soon, so let's keep in touch ;)
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