click HERE for the original recipe by Protein pow
Here's what I put into my cheesecakes (there's no cheese in it, by the way :D)
170 g quark with yogurt
2 tbsp natural yogurt
1 tbsp coconut flour
1/4 cup golden berries
2 eggs
0,5 dl pear vanilla whey powder
I mixed these ingredients together in a bowl and then added 1 cup raspberries and cloudberries. I didn't have any fresh berries because it's WINTER and it sucks. But I have a lots of berries (that my MUM picked last summer) in my freezer so I didn't have to buy any. I also put some organic ground cinnamon on top of these cuties. 170 degrees celsius approx 35 mins. How simple was that!
Luckily I found these little molds, I have never used them... But now I did! Looking pretty good, don't you think? I know that these pastries I did are not the cutest ones in the world, but forgive me, I'll focus on that later :D
Click HERE for the original recipe by Protein pow
I didn't do upside down muffins. I didn't even try. I will try it sometimes, but now I just focused on doing a muffin :D And it was so simple, the only problem (again) was that I don't have that muffin mould (yet) and using only the baking cups was a bit tricky. You can not put a lot of dough into the baking cup - and I realized it too late. But then I just put a couple of baking cups one on the other and my muffins survived.
Protein pow's recipe was so simple and perfect that I didn't improvise. Well I used pear vanilla protein instead of vanilla protein powder. I think it smells delicious!! Can't wait to stuck these into my mouth... :D
6 eggwhites
1,75 dl pear vanilla protein whey
1/2 cup buckwheat flour
2 tbsp coconut flour
1 tsp baking powder
65 g cottage cheese
a little more than 1 cup blueberries
I already told you last time that I topped two of these with molted dark chocolate. I just set the chocolate on the top of the muffins with a spoon and then put it in a freezer for half an hour.
So here it was. My first touch with clean baking :) And it was goooood. Although I don't know does it taste good but at least it was fun :D And the macros of these things are ridiculoysly awesome. Plus it was easy. So I think you have to try it :)
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